
Your eyes are a key component of your vestibular system and are a critical part of concussion recovery.

The visual system is our primary sensory modality, approximately 80% of sensory information to the brain is via the visual pathway. Frequently concussions cause damage to this visual pathway which is responsible for controlling eye movements, focusing (accommodating) and coordination of the eyes (binocularity).

Symptoms include vertigo, motion sickness, double vision (diplopia), blurred vision, headaches and fatigue resulting in a negative impact on day-to-day activities.

At Revelstoke Optometry Centre, we believe a multidisciplinary treatment protocol is the most effective management in concussion rehabilitation.

In acute injuries it is imperative that we rule out any direct injury to the eye as soon as possible; falls and hits can cause conditions such as retinal tears, retinal detachments and/or acute intraocular inflammation. Left untreated these can lead to permanent vision reduction and possible blindness. We strongly recommend booking an eye examination as soon as possible following injury to rule out these critical conditions.

Properly correcting your vision is a very important step in concussion rehabilitation. Uncorrected refractive problems will exacerbate your issues and inhibit proper healing and treatment. If you enter into a post concussion vision syndrome, vision therapy may be necessary which can be accomplished through a multidisciplinary treatment plan.

The path to concussion recovery is personal and requires a multitude of baseline testing to determine management plans. Our doctors have a thorough understanding of how the visual system impacts daily activities and interactions with other brain functions. We are here to aid our patients suffering from acute injury and/or post concussion syndrome

If you have suffered a concussion and are experiencing symptoms of double vision, eye fatigue, blurry vision, disorientation, difficulty with depth perception, increased headaches, floaters or flashes of light please reach out to us by phone, text or email and or visit our website for more information.


at Revelstoke Optometry