Massage therapy


Registered massage therapy

at jade welless

Massage therapy can help patients recovering from musculoskeletal injury related to concussion, including whiplash, muscle strains, headaches and seat-belt related injury. Massage is also effective in decreasing sympathetic nervous system tone (Flight or Fight), helping the body restore correct postural alignment, decrease pain and improve range of motion following injury. Our team of four Registered Massage Therapists are here to support their patients, provide safe space for healing and to offer support and referrals when necessary.

Jade Wellness is a multidisciplinary clinic in the heart of downtown Revelstoke. Our clinic offers Chiropractic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Registered Massage Therapy services. We believe in the body's ability to heal. Our purpose at Jade Wellness is to help remove the obstacles that may be preventing optimal health from occurring. Our well-rounded and diverse team of practitioners are here to support all patients in their healing journey.


Registered massage therapy

AT keyStone health

Fascial Spacing Protocol for Concussions:

This is a treatment based on seven different protocols which can help alleviate concussion symptoms. This is a gentle approach where we target opening the superficial layers of the body: the fascial system, the nervous system and the lymphatic system. All three of these systems are interwoven together and it’s important to release restrictions here before diving in deeper.


These protocols physically work on the brain through the cranium via the fascial attachments, the cerebral spinal fluid, and the lymphatic system. The goal is to create space in these systems for proper drainage before increasing circulation to ensure there is no rebound effect in the concussion symptoms. These protocols can help improve concussion symptoms, posture, sleep, balance, headaches, anxiety, and calming the nervous system. 


A treatment is based around the client's goals with an assessment and education including an exercise brain balance program to help manage the concussion symptoms. Integrating this treatment into your concussion management program can be beneficial to your road to recovery and overall well-being. 

Registered Massage Therapist: Sarah Stephen

Registered Massage therapy

Kenzie Wade RMT

Kenzie is happy to offer both Manual Lymphatic Drainage and CranioSacral Therapy out of Balu Yoga & Wellness.  Both treatments can be helpful in treatment and management of concussion symptoms and are covered under the scope of massage therapy.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage or MLD for short, is a gentle, rhythmic treatment that helps encourage lymph flow throughout the body.  More research is being done on its effectiveness for concussions and traumatic brain injuries but small studies have shown it to help remove inflammation from the brain. In 2015 it was discovered that the brain does have its own specialized lymphatic system which is in charge of removing inflammation and by applying MLD post injury its thought to speed up the body's healing process.  The treatment itself is relaxing and helps decrease sympathetic nervous system firing (fight or flight) and can be applied early on in healing.  

CranioSacral Therapy or CST for short is also a gentle technique that tunes into the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the tissues to make small adjustments within the craniosacral system. It gives the body space to correct and heal itself while being non invasive and relaxing. There has been limited research on the modability, but many sport physicians are referring concussion patients for CST treatments. While research has been limited, there is anecdotal evidence showing positive effects.  Kenzie has seen some promising results from CST in her practice over the years.

If you have more questions, please reach out to Kenzie directly at or 250-344-1881