Naturopathic medicine

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Naturopathic Medicine

at revelstoke osteopathy & wellness

Naturopathic medicine can be a key player in supporting your healing, and aiding in prevention of future complications or consequences. Alongside other types of healthcare practitioners, we help to assess, support, and educate you about your options.

We offer individualized treatment plans based around brain recovery, endocrine and nervous system support, musculoskeletal care, and gut healing. We use traditional and evidence-based tools such as nutrition, botanical medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, parenteral therapy, and other modalities to help you achieve your goals.


Dr. Lauren Goss ND

Drawing on personal experiences, Dr. Goss brings a wealth of knowledge, understanding and empathy to those suffering, or who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, no matter how minor. With a passion for education and staying current, Dr. Goss works hard for her patients, and works closely with other healthcare providers to offer the most well rounded post concussion support. Following a head injury, emphasizing sleep, nutrition, mental health and the parasympathetic nervous system are all mainstays of her.


Dr. Kim Niddery ND

With a heightened interest in brain health and post-concussion syndrome, Dr. Niddery seeks to stay on top of the latest research and supports within her scope of practice to bring education, awareness, and resources to the public. She ultimately hopes to empower her patients by giving them tools and options for healing, and encourages them not to ignore what may seem like a small bump on the head.


Handouts for download

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